
"De-attached Soul"



Step into a world where the echoes of antiquity resonate in contemporary whispers—a series that dances on the delicate thread between use-full-ness and use-less-ness. Each piece is a testament to the art of re-contextualization, where utilitarian relics, once forgotten in the sands of time, are dusted off and draped in the garments of the present.

In this series, the mundane metamorphoses into the extraordinary—a weathered plough breathes new life as an avant-garde sculpture, the memory of toil and labor now captured in the elegance of form. The artist navigates the delicate balance between honouring history and daring to challenge the definitions of relevance.

Through the lens of this collection, the audience is invited to question the very essence of usefulness. Can an object's worth be measured solely by its practical function, or does its value transcend the utilitarian and nestle itself in the arms of aesthetic contemplation? The series becomes a visual poem, unraveling the dichotomy of purpose and pushing the boundaries of perception.

Let the artefacts guide you through a journey of rediscovery. Witness the dialogue between antiquity and the avant-garde, where the tangible and intangible converge in a dance that defies the constraints of time. The series beckons you to embrace the beauty in the obsolete, to find significance in the seemingly obsolete, and to appreciate the poetry hidden within the relics of yesteryears.

All artworks are precisely stretched on Hahnemühle Fine Art Canvas, officially certified through a Hahnemühle hologram, carrying a unique number, and the signature of the artist.

Satin-gloss premium inkjet coating produces exclusive results with striking reproduction of colour and detail, deep blacks, and perfect contrasts.

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