"Invisible Water"

Water is a necessity for our daily life. We need water for drinking, cooking, washing, flushing toilets or watering the garden.
In Switzerland, we consume around 170 litres per person per day. But water is an elementary component in the production of countless goods.
The concept of invisible water takes into account the total amount of water used during the manufacturing process of goods and services. For example, a pair of jeans is hardly made of water. However, the cotton plant from which the jeans are made requires a great deal of water, which is why the manufacturing process of one pair of jeans consumes a considerable amount of water.
So how much water do we actually use?
If this virtual water is added, the total water consumption increases to 4400 litres per person per day.
Water shortage, water quality and water supply have an existential impact on the lives of billions of people.
More than 780 million people have no access to clean drinking water and 2.3 billion live without access to sanitary facilities.
We leave a significant water footprint on every level, through the entire supply chain - the manufacturer, the retailer and the end consumer.
Here you can interact with the daily consumption of an average Swiss citizen - 4400 litres of water, visualised in a relatable way.

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